Sunday, July 25, 2010

Wk3 Comments

LMS Choice

Before selecting a Learning Management System, an organization should go through a process to ensure they have selected the most effective and cost efficient choice. “Every organization’s requirements for a learning management system differ. Once you have made the decision to implement an LMS, the next step is to analyze your needs” (The Academy, 2010, p.1). Analyzing the needs helps to narrow down the selection process.

Shanna Woods
There are many things that have to be taken into consideration when choosing or deciding to create an LMS. This article let's me know just how much I used to take for granted about online education. I never realized it took (or costed) so much.

Wk3 – “Tools of the Trade”

As our technology advance and our aesthetic needs grow, producers of e-learning environments must enhance their product to have more functions and look more pleasing. There are many tools that are used to build, or in other words author, e-learning environments. Just like how carpenters use many hardware tools to build a product, e-learning developers also use many software tools to make their product.

Ms. Woods' Exploration Station said...

Reading this article brings to mind the phrase, "Jack of all trades". It is impressive how much a developer needs to know. I am a huge fan of delegation lol.


LMS Choice. Sarah Hodge. Retrieved July 25, 2010

Tools of the Trade. Thoug Heng. Retrieved July 25, 2010

Wk 3 Reading Activity-New CMS Directions

An intelligent tutoring system is any computer system that provides direct customized instruction or feedback to students, i.e. without the intervention of human beings, whilst performing a task (Wikipedia, 2010). With learning continually becoming more self-paced it is only a matter of time before technology advances to accommodate those needs. Amid the rising tide of expectations, instructors are exploring innovative ways to use technology to foster interaction, collaboration, and excitement for learning (Bonk & Dennen, 2005). There are several trends that are being monitored including: Social networking collaboration, application of advanced media technology, m-learning, distance education, embedded learning, and cloud computing.
Certain skills gained and practiced by gamers in massive multiplayer online gaming environments closely parallel those required by a military transforming itself to operating under the concept of network centric warfare (Bonk & Dennen, 2005). At the onset of computer gaming it was limited to single player or the gamers having to take turns. However, Jones argues that computer gaming should no longer be connoted as a solitary activity, but instead it should be considered a social endeavor involving friends, more like traditional board games (Bonk & Dennen, 2005).
What the future holds for CMS is yet unfolding. As learners take more control over what they want to know, when they want to know it, and how they want to learn it the need for CMS will definitely be affected. CMS will not become completely obsolete, however their functions will have to evolve. Technology is branching in a direction that is ever expanding. There is a management system that is emerging that has yet to be determined. Time will only tell what is in store for CMS.

Week 3 Wimba Session 3

I enjoyed viewing this week's wimba session. I am definitely one of the "artististic" people. I read some of the directions and think I have a good handle on what is expected and take off. Then I find that I need to open another screen so I can see the directions and work it through step by step. I guess that goes with being in a time where we are destination focused. I also enjoyed the deeper discussion on Udutu. I wasn't sure if I had done the first part of the assignment correctly, so I crossed my fingers and hit submit. Glad to know that what I did was correct.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Wk2 Project: Udutu Setup

1. Woods, Shanna

2. Layers of the Atmosphere. This lesson was previously created in a prior EMDT class. This lesson was created in Flash and teaches the different layers of the atmosphere and what occurs in each particular layer. This lesson was created for my special needs students who were having a hard time distinguishing the characteristics of each layer.

3. Created in Digital Media and Education Applications, March 2010

4. I have chosen to use Udutu Self Directed template. Being that this lesson was created in Flash, the convenience of going from slide to slide makes this template ideal for this lesson. The learner has the opportunity to review a particular slide for reinforcement before moving forward to the assessment. Giving the learner control of pacing will help ensure that the concept is grasped.


Wk2 Comments

Learning Content Management System (LCMS) is a learning tool found by the military. Nichani (2001) states that “A LCMS combines the administrative and management dimensions of a traditional LMS with the content creation and personalized assembly dimensions of a CMS.” LCMS, if used properly, is a great tool to deliver and train people for specific skills within an organization. The system allows the administrator to piece together different types of learning regime for people who perform different skills. This is all possible because LMCS have building blocks called Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs). “In a LCMS, you would have libraries of RLOs that can be used either independently, or as a part of larger instruction sets.”

Ms. Woods' Exploration Station said...

Thourn, I value my time as most people do, which makes LCMS an ideal solution to training. Breaking the skills into chunks that can be accessed on a "need" basis helps effectively manage time. I have been a victim of sitting in a seminar and only needing one part, but being forced to sit through the rest because it's rude to walk out early.

Learning Content Management Systems

The different purposes of the systems can help provide the necessary factors for success. It is first important to understand the functions and purposes of such systems. The focus of this blog entry is to provide a detailed explanation of a LCMS (Learning Content Management System) and its purpose.

Shanna Woods
Sarah, it can be difficult to keep up with all of the changes technology goes through. LCMS carry a heavy load...deliver the same information to learners without being "cookie-cutterish". It does allow that information to be retrieved and manipulated for the individual learner. It's enough to make your head spin.

The beauty of LCMS. Thourn Heng. July 18, 2010

LCMS. What are they for? Sarah Hodge. July 18, 2010

Wk2 Reading- How Much is that LMS in the Window?

The cost of LMS can be quite expensive. There are several factors that must be taken into consideration when deciding to purchase a Learning Management System or build one. The first step in cost-benefit analysis is simply to measure all of the direct and indirect costs involved in design, development, delivery, and maintenance of the program (Kruse, 2004). Determining what is needed will aid in deciding which option to choose.

Assumptions and baseline data is the first thing that needs to be determined in developing an e-learning environment. The assumptions are like a business plan checklist; including the life span of course, total number of students, student learning time in class, reduction of seat time, burdened compensation for instructor, and burdened compensation for student (Kruse, 2004). Upon completing the assumptions, the next step is determining the design and development cost, which can range from $59,560 for instructor led training to $350,000 for asynchronous e-learning (Kruse, 2004). Delivery cost is the third phase of comparison; with cost for instructor led training costing at over $1 million, where as, technology based training costs around $134,400. The fourth phase is determining administration and maintenance costs. The fifth and final phase is total cost comparison. Instructor led training can cost up to $1, 091,648 compared to $500,600 for technology based training (Kruse, 2004).

The cost of maintaining an e-learning environment is nothing to sneeze at. Depending on how large a company is, it may be more cost effective to purchase a LMS as opposed to building one. Once the comparison has been made it is easier to determine which choice is appropriate. It all comes down to, "How much are you willing to spend?"

Kruse, K. (2004). Measuring the total cost of e-learning. Articles. Retrieved July 18, 2010 from

Week 2 Wimba Session 2

This wimba session proved to be quite informative. I was a bit confused about the udutu assignment, but after reviewing the archive my questions were answered. I was under the impression that the entire assignment was due on Sunday. I am glad to know that the layout is what is due and that I can use a previously completed activity for this assignment. Thank you for going into deeper detail about the different types of management systems. Once we have received our lit review back, do we resubmit to you or just to Roxanne?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Wk1 Project: LMO Overview

When I initially saw this assignment and looked at the abbreviations CMS, LMS, LCMS, and PLEs, my head started to spin. After viewing the mindmap and watching Dr. Gibson's video my anxiety eased a bit. I am not breathing a total sigh of relief just yet. Here's my take on the "alphabet soup" of learning systems.

CMS: Course Management Systems. These systems organize courses, with focus on managing grades, registration, and placement of students in classes. It is NOT content. It is institution focused.
LMS: Learner Management System. These systems focus on individual specialization for the learner. It is based on what is specifically needed for that particular learner or small group of learners. It can be linked to CMS.
LCMS: Learning Content Management System. These systems focus on a specific skill or content that needs to be taught to a specific group of learners. The content can be broken down in to small chunks and can be used repeatedly for training.
PLEs: Personal Learning Environments. These are yet being developed and are learner centered. The learner controls what is being learned, how it will be learned, and when it is to be learned. Social networking is housed in this group. It could be responsible to eliminating LMS. However, regulation of such a system would be a big question.


E-Learning Boom

As society move from the industrial age to the information age, many aspect of society needs changing. For example, educational institutions are changing to fit the needs of more learners. Traditional education is extending beyond the classroom with e-learning online. With e-learning, many people can learn at anytime, any place, and at any pace using course management systems (CMS).

Ms. Woods' Exploration Station said...
This world is face paced and ever changing, however e-learning will never completely take the place of traditional teaching. CMS have evolved since their first introductions. I believe vendors are starting to take note of what is needed and not just producing a "bigger and better" just for the sake of producing another product. Consumers have to speak up so that these systems can be tailor made and not one size fits all.

Logging Into Learning Platforms Is Not Just About Logging In
“A learning platform is an integrated set of interactive online services that provide teachers, learners, parents and others involved in education with information, tools and resources to support and enhance educational delivery and management” (wikipedia). Learning Platforms (LP) are not a new concept. According to (2010), “If you have recently graduated from an university chances are that you have used a LP”. Learning platforms have an immense amount of possibilities.

I am glad that you pointed out that LP's are not an end all to traditional teaching. Training is definitely key in order for the platform to be used effectively. It is a wonderful way to enhance classroom teaching and engage students at the same time.

E-Learning Boom. Thourn Heng. Retrieved July 11, 2010

Logging Into Learning Platforms Is Not Just Logging In. Quinn Brown. Retrieved July 11, 2010

Wk1 Reading Activity-May I Help You?

There is a growing concern of what the next generation of course management systems (CMS) will look like. The design, though innovating and cutting edge at the time, proved to uncover questions that had not been factored into the development. Are students being engaged in a deeper way of learning? How can a CMS be assessed? Faculty must move beyond intuitive value and explore ways the CMS permits faculty to serve the mission of engaging teaching and learning (Carmean & Brown, 2005).

As the needs of learners change, support services must be provided that take into consideration the needs of all stakeholders. In implementing technology, much responsibility for access, implementation, authentication, performance, data security, and instructional and pedagogical consulting now rests in the hands of system and instructional support services (Carmean & Brown, 2005). Often the students who have to use these modules are ignored. No more cookie cutter approach to design and tools.

Enterprise systems will grow larger and more expensive as portals features, tools, and processing power improve (Carmean & Brown, 2005). The big picture is to enhance student learning. Based on the commitment to CMS now in place across the institution, careful assessment and inquiry should help determine its value to teaching, learning, and the changes needed in higher education (Carmean & Brown, 2005). Vendors must take the time to ask, "May I help you?" and not only focus on profit.

McGee, P., Carmean, C., & Jafari, A. (2005). Course management systems for learning: Beyond accidental pedagogy. Information Science Publishing. 1-12

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Week1 Wimba Session 1

I am pleased to know that in this course the discussion board will actually be used as a discussion board. Too often it has been a place of random thoughts and comments. I am grateful for the calendar layout, as well as, the table format. It keeps everything organized and gives a structured visual flow to the assignments. I must admit I used to use the dashboard as a checklist and would go down the list one by one completing things the week they were due. Thank you for shedding light on the fact that although assignments may not be due until week 4, they need to be started on before week 4.