When I initially saw this assignment and looked at the abbreviations CMS, LMS, LCMS, and PLEs, my head started to spin. After viewing the mindmap and watching Dr. Gibson's video my anxiety eased a bit. I am not breathing a total sigh of relief just yet. Here's my take on the "alphabet soup" of learning systems.
CMS: Course Management Systems. These systems organize courses, with focus on managing grades, registration, and placement of students in classes. It is NOT content. It is institution focused.
LMS: Learner Management System. These systems focus on individual specialization for the learner. It is based on what is specifically needed for that particular learner or small group of learners. It can be linked to CMS.
LCMS: Learning Content Management System. These systems focus on a specific skill or content that needs to be taught to a specific group of learners. The content can be broken down in to small chunks and can be used repeatedly for training.
PLEs: Personal Learning Environments. These are yet being developed and are learner centered. The learner controls what is being learned, how it will be learned, and when it is to be learned. Social networking is housed in this group. It could be responsible to eliminating LMS. However, regulation of such a system would be a big question.
good summary, I'm glad your anxiety was reduced.