Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wk 4 Comment- Stacie's blog

With privilege comes responsibility. As I read through chapter 10, “Being the Board,” I couldn’t let go of the previous phrase. Suddenly I feel like Rosamund and Benjamin Zander lost their minds and went into a euphoric, completely unrealistic state of thought and writing. If I step into my car, and enjoy the privilege of driving, I expect other drivers to do so as well. Of Course I am taking a risk that there are idiots out there who won’t comply, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be held accountable. I understand the author’s viewpoint is on removing the blame because it leaves us powerless, but their example was full of faulty reasoning. While many of his points were geared toward the act of mistakes in trivial moments, he seemed to mistake the power of a legal system and holding to a law abiding standard with blame. While obviously an accusation must occur in order for justice to be brought, for the person in the hospital who has just been rear ended, it would be ludicrous to think they wouldn’t want justice to be served. Otherwise the drunk driver would continue to get behind the wheel after drinking.

Ms. Woods' Exploration Station said...

Thank you! I couldn't put my finger on why I felt uncomfortable about these chapters, and I state it in my blog. This one statement made it all clear, "declaring yourself as your own God". When I make myself the board who is holding me accountable? I have no problem taking responsibility for my actions. However, I believe God has the final say.

Wk 4 Comment- Amanda's blog

Being responsible for everything that happens in your life. Many times when something happens in our lives we want to push the blame off on someone else but in reality we need to be responsible enough to take the good or bad that comes with everything that happens in our lives.

Ms. Woods' Exploration Station said...

Amanda, great insight on "making all the moves" when you become the board. It is still an area I am uncomfortable with, because that means when something "bad" happens I have to look at myself first.

Wk 4-Publishing

I wonder if we are allowed to choose any additional sites for possible publication. I say this because of the ones listed, there are only two sites that have a broad enough scope for my article to considered. I am thinking of publishing with the Journal of Educational Technology & Society or Edutopia. Both sites have enough flexibility that my article can fall under categories not specific to technology use. Although, I used technology in my action research, it was not the main focus of the research, which quickly eliminated many of the other possible sites for publication.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Wk 4 Reading Activity- Chapters 10-12

The concepts presented in chapters 10-12 were a bit harder for me to grasp. I get being a player in the game, or a contributor, but actually becoming the "board". Wow, that takes a real sense of letting go. I am uneasy even as I type this blog (recognizing the calculating self at work). I think it's because in order to become the board it requires a complete release. And to my calculating self I would be losing something, not sure what, yet still unsure about taking the risk. I'm kind of glad that there is something in this book that presents a challenge to me. I read the other chapters thinking, "I got this down packed" only to find out there's more to this thing than the initial steps. This phase is where true application takes place.

Wk 3- Free Choice

Bittersweet is the word that comes to mind. So much to do! Graduation slip, AR Status, Publishing, and let's add lesson plans, committee meetings, department chairs meetings, faculty meetings, and sponsor clubs. Something is wrong with the world when I am working in my classroom on a Saturday! I take it all in stride though. To whom much is given...
Why am I so grade obsessed? I just realized that I check FSO for grades entirely too much. I almost felt like my students when they ask about what grade they made on a test or project. I think this is one of the most random blogs I have posted since beginning this journey. It's probably do to my mind being in 400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 places LOL! (I made a funny).

Wk 3 Comment- Abbie's blog

The reading for this week really hit home, because it talked about something I really have trouble with: Being present in the moment. I often find myself worrying about tomorrow or trying to change the past - when I need to let go of all the resistance in my mind and just be in the here and now. I know my life would be more stressfree if I could begin doing this in my day-to-day existence.

Ms. Woods' Exploration Station said...

I have to focus on being present as well. It is easy to get caught up in the next move instead of truly enjoying what is unfolding, be it positive or negative. fascinating! lol

Wk 3 Comment-Stacie's blog

As I read this book, I have to shake my head and laugh. I’ve read these concepts before. They are beautiful and positive; just what a downtrodden, negative world needs to hear. Then it hits me. Oh ya…this is all biblical truth. Yes. These are biblical principals spoken throughout the bible by Jesus himself. Take for example the 4 practices for chapter 9, “Lighting a Spark.” Every one of these principles is about investing positive life into others.

Ms. Woods' Exploration Station said...

I enjoyed the discussion on downward spiral conversations and conversations of possibilities as well. It's about getting the spark back and keeping it light so that we can affect the world around us. Brings to mind the children's sunday school song "This Little Light of Mine".