Sunday, August 1, 2010

Wk 4 Udutu Project

My experience with Udutu was interesting. I found using the basic screens worked better for me. After much trial and error and accidental deletions I was finally able to produce a project that I am pleased with. My Udutu project teaches the layers of the atmosphere. It is geared towards my lower functioning special needs students. I was pleased with being able to upload a previously created Flash project. The simple formatting contributed to a less stressful experience.

Here is the link to my Udutu Project:


  1. @ Shanna
    I am so glad I viewed your Udutu project! It was quite educational and would make for a great Science lesson in any elementary ed. classroom! I learned so much from this. There are words here I've never pronounced before! (I need to go back to brush up on my "spheres" (but I did pass your assessment without cheating, by the way!) Nicely done.

  2. Shanna,

    I think your Udutu project is a great idea. Children love to learn about thinks like planets and outer space. I noticed that you still had the Watermarkings across your screens. Don't get discouraged. Udutu will be a powerful tool when we all maybe get some more time to utilize it to its fullest potential. I loved your flow and your topic. The best of luck to you with the remainder of your EMDT journey.
